
Use of Natural Language Processing techniques for the automatic identification of TTPs in Threat Intelligence Reports.

In this post I present my Master’s Thesis to conclude my studies in the official master’s degree in Cybersecurity of the UAH. I take as a starting point the open source platform, developed by MITR...

Obtaining malware samples using Honeypots

This post presents a solution to capture a sample of malicious binaries distributed over the Internet. Post index Honeypot construction Honeypot analysis Honeypot construction It has been d...

Zerologon Vulnerability Implementation

In this post I intend to implement the vulnerability known as Zerologon that allows an attacker to gain full control over a domain server in the Active Directory domain server. The vulnerability ...

Explotación de vulnerabilidades en Red

Durante los posts anteriores hemos visto métodos para recopilar y analizar información sobre nuestros objetivos. Durante este post veremos como explotar (en Red) aquellas vulnerabilidades que prese...

Explotación de vulnerabilidades en Web

Durante los posts anteriores hemos visto métodos para recopilar y analizar información sobre nuestros objetivos. Durante este post veremos como explotar (en Web) aquellas vulnerabilidades que prese...